About Poemonger & Warren Christopher Taylor

I'm Warren Christopher Taylor. And this is why I changed my poetry

12 Poetic Steps (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Real, Traditional Poetry)

  • We admitted that we were powerless over how much free verse poetry sucks.
  • Came to believe that rhythm greater than free verse can restore poetry to sanity.
  • Made a decision to turn poetry over to rhythm, rhyme and structure as we understood poetry.
  • Made a searching inventory of what we really like about poetry.
  • Admitted to ourselves the exact nature of how contemporary poetry sucks.
  • Were entirely ready to have Poemonger's poetry show all that's wrong with poetry.
  • Humbly enjoy poemonger's poems so much that we want to change contemporary poetry.
  • Made a list of everything we love about poetry and became willing to use it in real poetry.
  • Made direct amends to write rhythmic and fun poetry real, actual people would enjoy.
  • Continue to take inventory of every word we write and hear when it has no rhythm, logic or beauty at all.
  • Sought through having real people read our poems to find out that people actually love fun, rhythmic poetry with understandable and logical stories to tell.
  • Having had a poetic awakening as a result of Poemonger, we tried to carry this message of poetry's rhythm and possibilities to poets and all people.